Our 6th anniversay
Daisypath Ticker

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happy sixth Anniversary

How wonderful to have you in my life!
All my feelings whirl about my heart!
Perhaps I can't contain that I'm your wife;
Perhaps I don't know how or where to start.
You have me always, no matter what you do:
A gift I give my gift, joyously.
Nothing means as much to me as you;
Nothing else so fully makes me, me.
If I had everything that God could grant,
Very little there would bring me peace.
Enwrapped in you is everything I want:
Rapture, warmth, affection, sweet release.
So strong my love! So happy, sure, and strong!
A thousand thousand years would not seem long!
Reason tells me everything must end,
Yet you will always be my lover-friend

Thank's for wonderful 6 years we're together.
Love and kisses,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that so coincidence my BIG day falls on june 24 too???
but mine is 1 year older than you :-)

anyway, happy belated anniversary