Our 6th anniversay
Daisypath Ticker

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happy sixth Anniversary

How wonderful to have you in my life!
All my feelings whirl about my heart!
Perhaps I can't contain that I'm your wife;
Perhaps I don't know how or where to start.
You have me always, no matter what you do:
A gift I give my gift, joyously.
Nothing means as much to me as you;
Nothing else so fully makes me, me.
If I had everything that God could grant,
Very little there would bring me peace.
Enwrapped in you is everything I want:
Rapture, warmth, affection, sweet release.
So strong my love! So happy, sure, and strong!
A thousand thousand years would not seem long!
Reason tells me everything must end,
Yet you will always be my lover-friend

Thank's for wonderful 6 years we're together.
Love and kisses,

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

my forever friends..

It was nice to have dema here for a week. he's my beloved best friend. we've been friends for 12 years. we've gone through bad and good times together. when he was here we were talking about the time when we were still in Bandung. how three of us(me, Marsha and dema) became friends. it's kinda funny remembering olden days..!! time has passed so fast. and now we're apart. but we still be best friends ever... after what we have talked about our past. I've just realized that how lucky i am, to have such wonderful friends like both of them.
even though everyone has their own life now. I'm married with 1 daughter, Marsha is getting married next year, and dema is still single at the moment. but we're still in each other hearts. and we're forever friends... I love you guys...!!

that was marsha and the pereras 2 years ago..!!

early birthday present from bunda

Boo got a new pink scooter. thank's bunda for the scooter..! she was so happy. bunda has promised her a scooter for her birthday. so eventhough her b'day is still on the way but she got it earlier...!

a note from MIL

A Mother is Special...

A mother is special.
She's as soft and graceful as a butterfly,
yet as strong and courageous
as a grizzly bear.
Her heart is large enough to hold
every one's pain and joy.
Her hands are always gentle and soothing.
Her arms are always warm and tender.
She works hard to make a
home feel like home,
and she strives to make life pleasant
and comfortable for those she loves.
She never fails to go that extra mile to
make the holidays happy and memorable.
Her job is the most difficult and
demanding ever known to any human being,
yet she's fully dedicated to the task.
She's always there for her family,
guiding them and keeping them safe from harm.
She owns a magical way to raise
spirits and make everything feel better.
And her sympathy, unselfishness
and forgiveness are unending.
All that anyone is or could ever hope to be
can be attributed to a mother.
She instills the teachings
that will last a lifetime.
She sows the seeds of virtue and morality,
and in the process, she opens up love
and vast horizons.
She's always watching and hoping that
her children's goals will have meaning.
She always listens and tries to understand
even when it's difficult to do so.
She's a true friend in every sense of the word.
She's noble and sublime,
and holds all the beauty of a golden day,
yet even during the storms,
she always shines bright like an evening star.
Her name should be honored well,
for she's the closest thing to God on earth.

From: Manelle Perera at patperera@yahoo.com

I think you are a great mother and i want you to know that I love you for being such a good and loving mother From : A proud mother and grandmother

it's a wonderful feeling when my Mother in law sent me this to me. i know how lucky I am to have a mother in law like her. she cares about me and she appreciates whatever i have done to my family. I can't ask for more..and I'm thankful that she is my mother in law.