it's the first time boo when to see the movie in the theater. we brought her to plaza singapura to see Mr bean's holiday movie. she really likes Mr bean. she was excited to go to the cinema with us. on the way there she kept on asking me "are we going to see Mr bean amma"? and I said yes and yes and yes..!!
Actually we were late for the show. like usual we're always late. the show was 17.20 and we reached there about 17.30. so we quickly bought the tickets and bought some popcorn and nachos. luckily the movie hadn't started yet. Boo was feeling a little bit funny because the theater was so dark and loud. when the show began she's nicely eating the popcorn and laughed to see Mr bean doing silly things. after sometimes she became restless, she sat on my laps and looked around. she told me that she was sleepy. but i tried to keep her awake. we went there it's because of her. we don't like Mr bean though.
i guess she's still too small to understand the movie and she just couldn't keep quite while she was watching. but it was a good experienced for her.
Boo..., so what's the next movie we can watch..??!!