Monday, February 19, 2007
Jalan jalan ke Sentosa island
Yesterday siti called me and we talked how boring our life on Chinese new year. especially when our hubbies are not in town. You know S'pore on CNY everything is closed. so she suggested to go to sentosa today. earlier she said "why don't we go to vivo city?!" so I said "I don't mind to go there!" and she said again, "from vivo city we can just take the train to go to sentosa?" I thought it's a good idea to go to sentosa since Boo haven't been there.
We decided to meet at harbourfront MRT station at 1.30pm. and we didn't realised that actually we were in the same MRT. We came out from the MRT and went straight to find a place to eat. After so many places we went to see. and most of the restaurants are closed. So we ended up in swensen's to have lunch. We didn't expect that vivo city will be crowded. we know there are so many shops are closed and yet people are still coming. so you know we had to wait for our table for half an hour. After we had our lunch we went to harbourfront tower. because the Que for the train is so long till we decided to go by cable car. but it's just to good to be true the cable car Que is even worse...!! but since we have walked to the tower and we have bought the tickets so we just carried on waiting for our turn. maybe we waited there for almost 45mins. it was really no joke man..!! but then again it's for Boo and Sabrina. they really wanted to have a cable car ride..!
Finally it's our turn..yeah..!! Boo was so happy..! unfortunately sabrina was sleeping she was so tired. poor thing she didn't see the view from the top! I thought Boo would be scared but she was fine and she enjoyed the ride.
It took about 5mins to reach sentosa from harbourfront. the minute we got down we were shocked to see the amount of people there. it was chaos. on top of it, it was raining and i didn't bring the umbrella. life was so complete. we didn't know what to do. it was so crowded we just walked down to the flower garden where they have decorated it with some funny characters Sentosa has change a lot. after 3 years I've never gone there. it's much much better now! it has more attractions now. rather than only underwater world and images of s'pore. luckily we could manage to take some pictures. we just looked for a place to sit. we have given up walking and found sarpino's pizza to chill out for a while, and after that we took the cable car back to harbourfront and went home. what a day...we're really tired and just wanted to go home. But we had a good time there..!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
chinese new year celebration

after 4 days Boo didn't go to school. because she was down with cough and cold for almost a week. today boo went to school and celebrated Chinese new year with her friends and her teachers, at the school. she was wearing her pink dress and she brought two oranges in the red paper bag. so they could exchange the oranges.
it was so cute to see all the children sang and danced. Boo was so happy finally she could see her friends again. Boo was dancing and singing mandarin song which i had no clues what they're singing. the celebration was conducted in mandarin.
Gong xi fa cai..!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
The 1st Tatto

Today, conrad has got what he wanted since he was small, A Tattoo...!! He's been wanting it so badly for so long. I've always said "no" to him for 10 years, and finally i said yes and today he got one.
About 3.30pm we droped boo in farrer park, (conrad's aunty's house ) cos we didn't want to bring boo there. and after that we went straight to kustom7. when we reached there Jappie *the tattoist was still tattoing his customer. so we had to wait for a while. after he finished, he showed us the drawing that he designed for conrad. the 1st time we saw it. we liked it. so we didn't have to think of anymore changes for it. while Jappie was preparing the gadgets I was waiting anxiously trying not to be nervous. i know that's not my tattoo but it's gonna be on my husband's arm. i've asked him so many times whether he's happy with the design, because i don't want him to regret it.
Everything was ready, here comes the moment of truth, he sat back on the chair the gadget started to buzzz... the first line has been drawn...!! conrad thought it was going to be very painful but it turned out to be fine. half way through, in comes a visitor. It's Farid..! he dropped by with a truck full of the indian workers. sadly he didn't stay for long cos duty calls. The next visitor was the wife, Irma...!! unfortunetly she came when everything was finished. finally after 2 hours of waiting, we were done.... yay!
oh ya, i forgot to say what's the meaning of the tattoo. actually it's a letter "A" in sundanese filled with maori motifs. Not bad.."A" is also the 1st letter of my name. so at least there's something of me that he will have for life. he wanted to put my name, but i don't want to. i heard that it's a bad luck if you put your wife's name. so i decided not to...!
oh ya, i forgot to say what's the meaning of the tattoo. actually it's a letter "A" in sundanese filled with maori motifs. Not bad.."A" is also the 1st letter of my name. so at least there's something of me that he will have for life. he wanted to put my name, but i don't want to. i heard that it's a bad luck if you put your wife's name. so i decided not to...!
Yes, the Tattoo turned out to be nice. everybody is happy especially conrad..! he's waiting for the big one to come....!!!
Boo's valentine's day wishes from bunda
Glitter Graphics
MySpace Layouts
Thank's bunda Boo really likes the mickey and minny pic. Love you..!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
To my dearests darling Ndut and Boo

Dearest darling Ndut,
Thank you for giving me all the support, spirits and most of all your love to me. you might not be the best husband in the world but you're always a better one for me. Thank you for being such a wonderful man in my life. you have made something in my life to live for..!! I love you more and more everyday...!!
Dearest darling Boo,
Baby girl, you mean the world to me. you're something that i can be proud of..! you're always my favourite girl. you fullfill my life every moment, you're the one who i look forward every morning when i get up..!! i love you so so much..!!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Pyjamas party
The ladies in the house,,,!!
This is what happen when the desparate housewifes got together. while all the husband working to look for some extra money to buy the wifes some more branded bags..he..he..!! the wifes having a good time, chit chatting, eating nice food, surfing good was my idea to have pyjamas party. I thought while conrad is away for 8 days why don't ask these women to come and ask to stay overnight in my place. I ask siti to come too. she just come back from hongkong. and i haven't seen her for long time. she came with sabrina. but she didn't stay overnight. because her husband jeff was here too. anyway, congratulations for both of you for the new coming baby. so happened that anna's husband also had to got to work, and she's scared to be alone at home when the husband 's not around. irma's husband got some work to do and nisi's husband had to do something in his college (i think so..!) hehe..!!
we really had such a good time. we were laughing, eating and telling about our past time. when we were still in the school and we thought everything we do is cool..! we felt like we were in kost2an again...minus a bottle of tequilla hehe..!
that was really funny to talk about the past. we relized that our life was so fool and full of drama especially when we talked about our ex boyfriends, and how deeply madly in love we were.. oh no...couldn't be hahaha...!! until we forgot that the time has struck 3 o'clock in the morning..!! luckily our children has slept so the mothers could enjoy the night. i wish the time didn't fly. we still could carry on talking till dawn..!!
Early in the morning all of them got up which i thought they will get up a bit late. but i was wrong..?! they came into my room and woke me up. i was still sleeping with boo nicely covering with my blanket. but they didn't bother and started shouting "wake up..wake up it's 10.30 already?! "hello's still 8 oclock in the morning and i am still sleepy"! i shouted on them. and you know what..?! they just wanted to know where i put all my onion and chillies because they're going to cook some fried rice..!! so with my sleepy eyes i had to get up and went to the kitchen and showed them where's my spicies. i guess these women were so hungry in the morning.
after having some tea and coffee we had breakfast, tante nisi's nasi goreng was so yummy with some ikan asin in it..!! finally after the hell of a night we have to end our hell of a day..! their husbands has come to fetch them and have to go back to the reality world again. back to the normal routine as a mother and a wife. but, don't worry we'll have it again soon...!!! we really really enjoyed yesterday..!!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
I've been so many places in my life and time
I've sung a lot of songs I've made some bad rhyme
I've acted out my love in stages
With ten thousand people watching
But we're alone now and I'm singing this song for you
I know your image of me is what I hope to be
I've treated you unkindly but darlin' can't you see
There's no one more important to me
Darlin' can't you please see through me
Cause we're alone now and I'm singing this song for you
You taught me precious secrets of the truth witholding nothing
You came out in front and I was hiding
But now I'm so much better and if my words don't come together
Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding
I love you in a place where there's no space or time
I love you for in my life you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over
Remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song for you
You taught me precious secrets of the truth witholding nothing
You came out in front and I was hiding
But now I'm so much better and if my words don't come together
Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding
I love you in a place where there's no space or time
I love you for in my life you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over
Remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song for you
We were alone and I was singing this song for you
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Boo goes to school

Early in the morning Boo got up and she knew that today is her first day to go to school. she had breakfast and quickly took a shower without argueing with me. Boo's ready to go to school. it was her first day to go to school. so me conrad and my in laws were sending her to school. I was so nervous, i don't know what will happen to her. i have no idea what is it gonna like..?! when we reached the school, the school was so crowded with all the parents. they also wanted to see their kids on the 1st day of their school. ive been praying that she'll be ok. and you know what..?! everything went so smoothly. she didn't even ask me to stay in the class. when the teacher asked her, what's her name?! she said constantly "my name is gabriella nadya perera.."! god, my prayers has been answered.
Eventhough boo's was alright in the class. but i still watched her from the window. i was just curious. i wanted to know how she behaves in the class. and i asked the teacher, how she gets along?! the teacher said boo's very independent and she gets along verywell . i'm so happy to hear that. i'm so proud of her. i hope she'll be like this forever.
Reality bites, i feel sad knowing boo has started to go to school. i feel my time with boo is decreasing. and i miss her so much at home. eventhough she's away only for 3 hours. but then again, i can't be sellfish, not letting her go to school. this is for her own good. she just started to know the world. just one step forward in her life. yeah..sometimes i take everything for granted.
Boo knows that I really concern about her school. she always tell me not to worry. the teachers are very nice. she tells me what she learned and what happened in the class. she seems enjoying the school. except when she has to learn mandarin because she doesn't know anything about mandarin. but the teacher is very nice. she knows that boo doesn't know anything. so she always asked boo to participate in the class
Early in the morning Boo got up and she knew that today is her first day to go to school. she had breakfast and quickly took a shower without argueing with me. Boo's ready to go to school. it was her first day to go to school. so me conrad and my in laws were sending her to school. I was so nervous, i don't know what will happen to her. i have no idea what is it gonna like..?! when we reached the school, the school was so crowded with all the parents. they also wanted to see their kids on the 1st day of their school. ive been praying that she'll be ok. and you know what..?! everything went so smoothly. she didn't even ask me to stay in the class. when the teacher asked her, what's her name?! she said constantly "my name is gabriella nadya perera.."! god, my prayers has been answered.
Eventhough boo's was alright in the class. but i still watched her from the window. i was just curious. i wanted to know how she behaves in the class. and i asked the teacher, how she gets along?! the teacher said boo's very independent and she gets along verywell . i'm so happy to hear that. i'm so proud of her. i hope she'll be like this forever.
Reality bites, i feel sad knowing boo has started to go to school. i feel my time with boo is decreasing. and i miss her so much at home. eventhough she's away only for 3 hours. but then again, i can't be sellfish, not letting her go to school. this is for her own good. she just started to know the world. just one step forward in her life. yeah..sometimes i take everything for granted.
Boo knows that I really concern about her school. she always tell me not to worry. the teachers are very nice. she tells me what she learned and what happened in the class. she seems enjoying the school. except when she has to learn mandarin because she doesn't know anything about mandarin. but the teacher is very nice. she knows that boo doesn't know anything. so she always asked boo to participate in the class
Eventhough boo's was alright in the class. but i still watched her from the window. i was just curious. i wanted to know how she behaves in the class. and i asked the teacher, how she gets along?! the teacher said boo's very independent and she gets along verywell . i'm so happy to hear that. i'm so proud of her. i hope she'll be like this forever.
Reality bites, i feel sad knowing boo has started to go to school. i feel my time with boo is decreasing. and i miss her so much at home. eventhough she's away only for 3 hours. but then again, i can't be sellfish, not letting her go to school. this is for her own good. she just started to know the world. just one step forward in her life. yeah..sometimes i take everything for granted.
Boo knows that I really concern about her school. she always tell me not to worry. the teachers are very nice. she tells me what she learned and what happened in the class. she seems enjoying the school. except when she has to learn mandarin because she doesn't know anything about mandarin. but the teacher is very nice. she knows that boo doesn't know anything. so she always asked boo to participate in the class
Early in the morning Boo got up and she knew that today is her first day to go to school. she had breakfast and quickly took a shower without argueing with me. Boo's ready to go to school. it was her first day to go to school. so me conrad and my in laws were sending her to school. I was so nervous, i don't know what will happen to her. i have no idea what is it gonna like..?! when we reached the school, the school was so crowded with all the parents. they also wanted to see their kids on the 1st day of their school. ive been praying that she'll be ok. and you know what..?! everything went so smoothly. she didn't even ask me to stay in the class. when the teacher asked her, what's her name?! she said constantly "my name is gabriella nadya perera.."! god, my prayers has been answered.
Eventhough boo's was alright in the class. but i still watched her from the window. i was just curious. i wanted to know how she behaves in the class. and i asked the teacher, how she gets along?! the teacher said boo's very independent and she gets along verywell . i'm so happy to hear that. i'm so proud of her. i hope she'll be like this forever.
Reality bites, i feel sad knowing boo has started to go to school. i feel my time with boo is decreasing. and i miss her so much at home. eventhough she's away only for 3 hours. but then again, i can't be sellfish, not letting her go to school. this is for her own good. she just started to know the world. just one step forward in her life. yeah..sometimes i take everything for granted.
Boo knows that I really concern about her school. she always tell me not to worry. the teachers are very nice. she tells me what she learned and what happened in the class. she seems enjoying the school. except when she has to learn mandarin because she doesn't know anything about mandarin. but the teacher is very nice. she knows that boo doesn't know anything. so she always asked boo to participate in the class
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